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The exhibits

The Life of Moses

The Goshen Theme Park has 5 rooms – each of them detailing the story and life of the prophet Moses, from his birth till the time when he led the people of Israel into the promised land.

You will learn how Moses was born in the challenging time when Pharoah, the king of Egypt ordered new-born babies to be killed, how he was raised up in the King’s palace, how he fled from Egypt, and returned back to deliver the Israelites from the hands of Pharoah all the way to the promised land.

Room 1


Birth of Moses
Moses and the burning bush

Room 2


Pharaoh’s Palace
10 Plagues of Egypt

Room 3


Passover, Death

Room 4


Red Sea Deliverance

Room 5


Manna & Quail, Water from the rock, Amalekites fight, Mt. Sinai (Ten Commandments), Bronze serpent, The Cross, Empty Tomb

‘Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the wilderness, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes may have eternal life in him.’
John 3: 14-15

The story of Moses dates back to the 13th century, a time when Israelites, the people of God were bonded by the Egyptians. Their ruler, Pharoah, ruled over the Hebrew people. At one time, Pharaoh ordered all the new-born males babies of Hebrew parents to be killed. In an attempt to save her child, one of the Hebrew mothers, Jochebed, wrapped her baby and sent him down in a reed basket along the river Nile. Incidentally, Pharaoh’s daughter finds this child, and decides to raise him up. So, Moses grew up in the King’s court. When Moses became an adult, at a point in time, he killed an Egyptian task master who was tormenting the Israelites. Aware of the consequences, he fled Egypt. After being in the wilderness for many years, Yahweh (God) revealed himself to Joseph in a burning bush and instructs him to go back to Egypt to free his people from slavery.
Initially, he resists, but goes to Egypt. When he approached Pharoah, it didn’t seemed impossible that the Israelites would be set free. In the period that followed, God sent many plagues upon Egypt to let his people go. The last of them being the death of every first-born child of the Egyptian family.

Unable to bear this torment, Pharoah agrees to let the people of God go. As the Israelites travelled to the promised land, God leads them through may trials along the way, and continued to provide for them. Though there were many times they sinned, when they repented, God forgave them.

The Israelites finally entered Canaan, the promised land, showing that God is always faithful, and fulfils the promises he makes to his people.

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